Episode 1: The Sick Man and His Medicine

In this episode, we look at the history of the Ottoman Empire's decline from the reign of Selim III up to the 20th century, and the attempts at political and economic reform. 

Episode 1 (2).png


Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong?

Peter Mansfield, A History of the Middle East

Tamin Ansary, Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes

Arthur Goldschmidt Jr. and Lawrence Davidson, A Concise History of the Middle East, Tenth Edition

Michael B. Oren, Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present

Alan Palmer, The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

Caroline Finkel, Osman's Dream: The History of the Ottoman Empire


Appendix A1: The Rise of the Turks

Appendix A1 covers the history of the Turks, from their prehistoric origins in Central Asia, to the capture of Constantinople in 1453.

Appendix A1.png


Ansary, Tamim, Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes, (New York: Public Affairs, 2009)

Crowley, Roger, 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West, (New York: Hyperion, 2005)

Findley, Carter Vaughn, The Turks in World History, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005)

Goldschmidt Jr., Arthur, Davidson, Lawrence, A Concise History of the Middle East; Ten Edition, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2013)

Hoyland, Robert G., Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam, (Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1997)

Lewis, Bernard, The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years, (New York: Touchstone, 1995)

Episode 0: Sylabus

Welcome to the History of the Modern Middle East, a podcast about exactly what the title says. I'm going to be telling the story of the Modern Middle East (1900-Present), and how it has shaped the world. You will learn about the stories of Leaders and Commoners; Reformers and Reactionaries; Invaders and Resisters; Revolutionaries and Terrorists. This is a story that needs to be told, and we in the English Speaking World have neglected in our studies. Understanding this land and its history is vital to understanding our world today. So welcome to the story. 

Here is episode 0 for you to enjoy. 

You can also listen to the podcast on YouTube.

Middle East, as defined by Podcast